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Are you online?
Do you need more customers to find you?

SEO could be the answer!

SEO, short for 'Search Engine Optimisation', is the science of getting a business listed as high as possible on Google and other search engines.

Statistics show that 90% of online searches do not continue beyond page 1[1].

Search engines take into account many factors when deciding how highly to rank a website or a business-listing.

These factors are broadly categorised into:

  1. the internal website code, and
  2. links and external marketing.

Many businesses today, eager to get online, do not have much experience in these issues - and as a result they lose out.

On the other hand this gives a cutting-edge opportunity to those willing to step up!

Let me study your website and your marketing items: with an SEO Audit Inspection (just like a car mechanical inspection). - And dramatically improve your chances of success!

[1] https://searchenginewatch.com/sew/study/2276184/no-1-position-in-google-gets-33-of-search-traffic-study
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Power Your Website!

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